Switching from lead-acid to Li-ion: consulting solution with real-time data

A pet food manufacturer was looking for a way to avoid battery changes in the forklifts it uses during their 10-hour non-stop operation. However, time for intermediate loads were also not provided. With a comprehensive consulting service, the experts from TRIATHLON accompanied the customer on the way to a sustainable and future-proof solution.

Pet food

Avoidance of battery changes during operation, high availability with high operating hours in 3-shift operation.

Vehicles drive 10 hours non-stop, extremely high operating hours, no time for intermediate charging New acquisition of a customer in a long-standing partnership: review of the concept of the market competitor with batteries and chargers that are too small (48 V / 390 Ah with 150 A charger).

Consulting on the basis of consumption data by means of real-time acquisition with data logger for the correct dimensioning of the battery system: use of lithium-ion batteries with energy capacity for at least 10 hours of continuous use (48 V / 624 Ah with 400 A charger). Intensive consulting services over 1.5 years.

Take advantage of Li-Ion, no battery change despite hard use with few intermediate charging windows, no significant change in operation process.

IBH, Hanover

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